Worship in God's name at MPC
We invite you to join with us Sundays at 10:30 am.
We are currently meeting in person in our sanctuary. This service is also streamed on our FaceBook Live feed. You can view our services whether or not you have a Facebook account. We look forward to worshiping with you!
In addition to our regular Sunday worship service, we offer special worship opportunities throughout the year. These include a family candlelight and communion Christmas Eve services, several Holy Week and Lenten services, and an outdoor early Easter morning service and a joy-filled Easter service. We also offer occasional services such as Blue Christmas, services for wholeness and healing, and add services as events in our world arise that call us to pray. Child care is provided at all services.
Music Ministry
Music is one of the premier ways we celebrate our experiences with God. At Matthews Presbyterian, our music ministry encourages people of all ages and abilities to experiences the joys of giving glory to God whether with voice, trumpets, guitars, or bells. For more information about the music ministry, contact Sarah Allred.
All are welcome in one of our music groups:
Chancel Choir
Youth Choir ( Grades 6-12)
Cathedral Choir (Grades 2-5)
Cherub Choir (Pre-K - Grade 1)
Spirit Ringers
Chancel Choir
The Chancel choir leads worship through music during our Sunday Service. All interested singers are welcome to join us as we make a joyful noise! This group practices Wednesdays at 7:30pm for our weekly service, taking summers off.
Youth Music
Middle school and High School youth join together as one group each Sunday Night from 6:00pm-6:45pm in the Choir Room. This group engages in many different styles of music, from ukeleles to bells to drums. They sing regularly throughout the school year, as well as leading all music during the annual Youth Sunday service.
Cathedral and Cherub Choirs
The children's choirs learn all about music through songs and instruments. They practice Wednesday nights during our AMP program. You can find out more about AMP here.
SPirit Ringers
The Spirit Ringers are a group of adults who worship God by ringing of handbells. Open to ringers of all experience, though the ability to read music is helpful! They rehearse on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the sanctuary during the school year.
Special Services
Matthews Presbyterian seeks to support its members and the community by creating worship services which will help through life transitions.
Baptism is the sign and seal of God’s grace and new life through Christ. The sacrament signifies the faithfulness of God, the washing away of sin, rebirth, and adoption into the covenant family as children of God. Because baptism involves promises made by both parents and the congregation, Matthews Presbyterian Church normally only baptizes children of members. You can contact Luke Maybry for more information.
The wedding ceremony is a service of worship in which the church celebrates marriage as a gift of God. Our chapel is the perfect venue for smaller, more intimate ceremonies. Our sanctuary, with its unique architecture and central aisle, is ideal for a larger, more formal service.When you begin your planning, you will be connected to a church wedding and funeral coordinator. For more information about wedding, funeral, or memorial services, contact the church office at 704.847.4094.